Bandla Ganesh’s carefree and candid speech at the Akash Puri’s Chor Bazaar pre-release event has received quite a lot of interest from all sections. The speech in which the producer chided Puri Jagannadh for being absent at the pre-release event of his own son’s film has also not gone well with Puri.
Speaking at the event, Bandla Ganesh had criticized Puri Jagannadh for not being at the event and being in Mumbai instead on personal work. While this statement was made in a friendly manner, many are speculating a bigger story behind Bandla Ganesh’s statements.
The producer also added that there will be a day when Puri himself will have to come to Akash Puri’s dates. Puri was also publically advised by Bandla to give priority to the family as they are the only ones who will remain with us forever.
These comments have not gone down well with the ace director who released a soundbite on his YouTube channel. “Silence is a big gift and those who chose to listen more and talk less often achieve more in life,” said Puri.
“One has to be extremely careful while talking and must measure their word as our lose tongue and habit to speak unnecessarily can destroy our life and spoil our careers,” he added.
This soundbite which was uploaded by Puri to his YouTube is being seen as a direct dig to Bandla Ganesh. The timing of the upload has also raised many doubts.