Puneet Rajkumar starrer James which is supposed to be his last film, has a sensational opening day at Karnataka Box-office. The film was released in record number of screens and shows across the state. The collections are massive. The film has also created an all time record opening with a good margin. The film is received by all sections of people irrespective of the talk.
According to the early estimates the film is said to have collected around 26 cr+ gross across Karnataka. This is surely a new milestone. Puneet Rajkumar’s fans are celebrating this film like never before. All the theatre managements and distributors have decided to screen the film in major screens throughout the state. The film is witnessing a massive reception by the audience since it being his last film.
Puneet Rajkumar who is the son of legendary Kannada Actor, Raj Kumar died of a sudden cardiac arrest on 29 October last year. This not only shocked his fans but the entire film industry. Besides a film actor he is also known for his charity works. He is also known for his dances and gymnastic ability. His elder Shiva Rajkumar is also one of the star actors of Kannada film industry. After Puneet’s death, Shiva Rajkumar gave his voice for him in the film.