Manchu Vishnu and his younger brother Manoj’s fight has become breaking news since yesterday as the brothers took their personal issue to the streets, and the news quickly spread. Manoj shared a video on his social media account about the fight and later deleted it. But the video had gone viral on the Internet.
In response, Vishnu stated the incident was trivial and stated that this was a minor family matter that should not be considered a serious problem. However, Vishnu also mentioned that his brother became furious when he could not stop the fight with his friend Saradhi.
According to the reports of industry circles, the differences between Vishnu and Manoj are longstanding and have recently gone to the next level. They say the main reason for the fight between Manchu Vishnu and Manoj to be regarding the share of properties. The property disputes are very common between siblings and may be the same as happened between these two heroes as well.
Manoj recently got married to Bhuma Mounika Reddy, and it is being reported that he and Mounika have ambitious political and business plans. Their sister Lakshmi Prasanna is completely behind Manoj in this issue. The three siblings live apart.