It is very well known to everyone that Power Star Pawan Kalyan will be seen alongside his nephew Sai Dharam Tej in the upcoming film Bro The Avatar. The movie is an official remake of the Tamil film Vinodhaya sitham which is a Story between a God and a human being. In Telugu, Pawan Kalyan is playing the god role, and Sai Dharam Tej will appear in the human being role. The PSPK fans have been waiting for the update regarding the film’s teaser and the director Samuthirakhani recently gave an update about the teaser of Bro The Avatar. However the makers are making a mistake regarding the promotional content of the film which is crucial for the business.
The promotional content of the film has not been released yet which is affecting the business of the film, The buyers are not interested in offering big prices for this film like other films as they feel it’s not a regular commercial film and they are waiting for the promotional content to release. The team should take care of the promotional content as the business directly reflects that.
First of all they need to clearly establish the core point of the film through the teaser which will be released soon according to the makers, Also they should also indicate the fact that Pawan Kalyan is not playing the regular hero role in this movie and his character will not have any heroine as he will appear as God in the film.
With the recent special song with Urvashi Rautela, Pawan Kalyan has wrapped up his entire shooting part for Bro The Avatar. Now he has moved on to the OG sets and in the next month he is expected to join Ustaad Bhagat Singh’s shooting. OG is slated to be released in December 2023 while Ustaad Bhagat Singh is expected to be out in early summer next year.
Priya Prakash Varrier, Ketika Sharma, Brahmanandam, Rohini Molleti, Subbaraju, Tanikella Bharani, and Raja Chembolu play important roles in Bro The Avatar. TG Vishwa Prasad is producing this film under the banners of ZEE Studios and People Media Factory. Trivikram is handling the writing department. This movie is all set to be released on screens worldwide on 28th July 2023.