Ram Charan and Shankar’s upcoming project RC15 has undergone a massive crew change. Shankar has replaced Ramakrishna who was handling the project’s production design after almost 50% of the shoot. Ramakrishna played a crucial role in the Amritsar, Vizag, and East Godavari schedules and his last-minute exit from this project has shocked many.
Reportedly, there were creative differences between the ace production designer and director Shankar. Ramakrishna had earlier worked with Ram Charan on Rangasthalam and his work was unanimously appreciated by all.
Now this Ram Charan and Shankar project will have National Award Winner Ravinder Reddy as the new production designer. Ravinder had earlier worked with Charan on Magadheera. It was for this project that the senior designer received national recognition.
RC15 is a political drama with a powerful message and is being made on a grand scale. This film is going to be on an anti-corruption theme. Ram Charan’s character is going to play an anti-corruption crusader in this social drama.
Dil Raju is producing the film while SS Thaman will compose the music for the film. Kiara Advani will play the lead role opposite Ram Charan in RC 15. The makers are aiming to release the film for Sankranti 2023.