Vijay’s Leo is the most anticipated film in Kollywood and is releasing amidst massive expectations. The film, which is director Lokesh Kanagaraj’s immediate next project after blockbuster Vikram is expected to create wonders at the box office if the early reports come out well. Most of the inside talk regarding the project has been highly positive and with the latest statement from the producer SS Lalit Kumar, expectations on the film have skyrocketed.
The producer claimed that the movie has come out really well and it is going to be Vijay’s biggest hit in terms of collection and even from quality and entertainment point of view, it’s going to be his best film ever.
“There is an ‘8-minute’ interval block that is going to give us goosebumps, the audience will love it,” declared SS Lalit Kumar who is producing Leo along with Jagadish Palanisamy under the Seven Screen Studios banner. The Kollywood market is really heated up with the blockbuster performance of Rajinikanth’s Jailer and fans are expecting Vijay’s Leo to create bigger wonders in terms of collection. The producer is highly confident of this film and said he doesn’t know which film in future will pass the collections of Vijay’s Leo.
The Lokesh Kanagaraj directorial Leo stars Vijay in the titular role and is paired alongside Trisha after 15 long years. Sanjay Dutt, Mathew Thomas, Mysskin, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Arjun Sarja, Mansoor Ali Khan, Priya Anand, and Sandy will be seen in other crucial roles. The film will hit theaters on October 19 this year.