Recently, there are a few rumors about Vijay Deverakonda and Gautam Tinnanuri movie have been doing the rounds on the internet. Rumors that the film’s female lead Sree Leela was opted out of the film and Rashmika replacing her have gone viral. Producer Naga Vamsi has given clarity on them in a recent interview. He also spoke about the span and the budget of the film. He expressed his confidence that he cannot predict where the film would go if it became a hit.
Recently, producer Naga Vamsi revealed some details about the movie. He said that the budget is more than Rs 100 crore. While talking about the budget and risk now, it is not possible to predict if any film becomes a hit and if it’s a flop, it is hard to say how bad it will be. Vamsi said that Gautam is doing a full-fledged commercial script this time. He also Anirudh is now entirely change the shape of a film for which he works.
When asked whether Rashmika had indeed replaced Sree Leela in the film, he put a full stop to the rumors, saying that he did not know why Rashmika’s name came up. Naga Vamsi affirmed that they never contacted Rashmika in the first place, and Sree Leela is still a part of the film.
Vijay Deverakonda had suffered a massive blow with ‘Liger’. He recovered a bit with Kushi, his next film, and though it was not a full-fledged hit film it did not bring huge losses like Liger. Kushi has brought good profits in Overseas. In some areas of the two Telugu states, distributors seem to have suffered losses. In Tamil Nadu, Kushi achieved break even and has also brought profits.
Vijay is now doing a series of films. In Dil Raju’s banner, he has back-to-back projects. He is also doing films in Sitara Entertainments with Gautam Tinnanuri and the film with Parasuram is progressing at a rapid pace. Parashuram has already completed 50 percent of the shoot, reportedly.