Priyadarshi’s most recent film, Darling, co-starring Nabha Natesh, opened in theaters on July 19, 2024. Priyadarshi portrays in the romantic comedy-drama as Raghav, a young guy who works at a travel agency and dreams of marrying and honeymooning in Paris. He marries Anandhi, played by Nabha Natesh, who has multiple personality disorder, setting off a series of hilarious and dramatic incidents.
Darling earned unfavorable reviews upon its release in theaters and failed to perform well at the box office. Director Aswin Ram attempted to turn ‘Darling’ into a quirky comedy, but its nonsensical plot and unlikeable characters made it difficult to enjoy. The story’s perplexity stems from its endeavor to be a diverse collection of ideas. Perhaps these negative reviews spurred the OTT streaming giant to accelerate the film’s digital distribution.
With Darling now available on OTT, the love drama joins the ranks of Telugu films that have made their digital debut within three weeks of theatrical release.Darling will be available to stream on Disney Plus Hotstar beginning August 13, 2024. This revelation is sure to excite fans, who will be able to watch their favorite actor on the OTT platform.