Tamil Actress, Priya Bhavani Shankar recently appeared in Indian 2 directed by Shankar. The film was one of the most awaited films in the entire South India. Indian 2 released amid great hype and expectations but failed to deliver by becoming a box office dud. But Priya Bhavani Shankar has no regrets about Indian 2’s result according to her.
The Actress played a supporting role in the film as a friend of Actor Siddarth. She hoped of getting big opportunities after the film’s success but the opposite happened. In a recent interview, She expressed that getting an opportunity from a top director like Shankar was a big thing for her. She also stated that she got brutally trolled for acting in the film. The Actress apologized to the people for not satisfying them.
On the other hand, Director Shankar received unanimous trolling for his making and the content of the film. Indian 2 appeared like a cringe sequel to one of the classics, Indian/Bharateeyudu. The Director however is yet to make a comment on the flop status of Indian 2. His upcoming film, Game Changer’s fate too lies in imbalance with the disastrous result of Indian 2. Game Changer is poised to release during Christmas this year.