Mollywood Actor Prithviraj Sukumaran also works as a Director. The Actor directed Lucifer starring Mohanlal, which became the biggest blockbuster in Malayalam. Now, he is returning to helm the Director job for L2: Empuraan, the sequel to Lucifer. The teaser of L2: Empuraan has been released today, and the film has richness, grandeur, and all the elements needed for a Pan-Indian success.
In the Teaser event conducted, Prithviraj revealed interesting news of an unsuccessful collaboration between him and Kollywood Actor Rajinikanth. He said that Lyca Productions first approached him to direct the film with the Veteran Actor, but it failed to materialize with no headway in the script work because of his other commitments as an Actor.
He also stated that Lyca Productions still kept following him, which resulted in their co-production for his L2: Empuraan. The film is also produced by Aashirvad Cinemas, which worked as the Production house of the prequel Lucifer. There are high expectations on L2: Empuraan, and the stage is set for Mohanlal to score a 300 crore grosser if all goes well.