Malayalam Actor Prithviraj Sukumaran made some interesting comments about his Malayalam Industry. The Actor’s recent film The Goat Life is about to release in the theatres this week in all languages. He is attending many promotional events for the film also. In a press meet, Prithviraj defined the Malayalam Industry’s uniqueness.
The Actor revealed the difference between the Malayalam Industry and other Industries. He said that he believes the Malayalam Cinema traditionally has a practice where the large chink of the budget goes into production rather than on remunerations. The Actor also said that if a film’s budget is around 75 crores, other industry makers spend only 55 crores on the remuneration but it happens to be quite different in Malayalam Industry. He indirectly talked about how the budget is spent for the lead actors in other Industries.
His film, The Goat Life happened in the same way. Amala Paul played the female lead role whereas Oscar Award-winning A.R. Rahman scored the music for the film. A big budget was pumped into the film which also had a great advance start. Prithviraj hopes the film brings him more Pan India appeal which he gathered recently with Salaar: Part 1 – Ceasefire.