Prashanth Varma has emerged as one of the most sought-after filmmakers in Indian cinema. The youngster deserves all the fame he has gathered for his unparalleled vision and hard work. His last theatrical release, Hanu-Man (2024), was a huge success at the box office.
Varma currently has three projects in his kitty. A direct sequel to HanuMan titled ‘Jai Hanuman’, DVV Danayya’s production ‘Adhira’, and an untitled project starring Ranveer Singh. All these ventures carry good buzz primarily for their association with Prashanth Varma Cinematic Universe (PVCU).
Recent information regarding Ranveer Singh’s project has been leaked on the internet. According to it, the project is titled ‘Rakshas’ and an official announcement regarding the same will be made very soon. As the title suggests, Ranveer’s character is reportedly antagonistic.