Prashant Neel responds about Salaar’s corporate bookings. In the latest interview, which he gave to the Bollywood media, the creator of the KGF Series talked about the negativity surrounding Salaar. Prashant Neel responds about Salaar’s corporate bookings.
Recently, there was a big controversy regarding the collections and bookings in North India for the Salaar Hindi version and Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki. Prashant Neel said that he does not give importance to this kind of negative news, and it (negativity) will die soon.
Recently, the National Plexes placed early morning shows for Salaar and canceled them after some time, creating negativity around Salaar. Shah Rukh Khan’s fans countered Prabhas fans by saying that those were corporate bookings. They stated that the producers of Salaar were desperate for numbers.
In return, Prabhas fans countered that Shah Rukh Khan’s team opened these bookings to spread negativity around Salaar. Prashant Neel responded to this issue but did not take anyone’s name. He chooses to neglect the negativity.
” If this (Salaar) was a solo release or Dunki was a solo release, this wouldn’t have come up. You tend to attack with something like that. The audience is not that foolish for us to take them for granted and do something like this. The misrepresentation they are hearsay. You want to hear more negatives than positives for anything that attracts anyone who wants to read. So it is going to die down. It’s not Salaar Vs Dunki. It’s Dunki and Salaar”