Director Prasanth Varma has hit the jackpot of launching son of Tollywood Actor, Balakrishna. The film was announced officially with Prasanth Varma declaring it on his official X/Twitter Account. The film is also said to be a part of Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe, PVCU. Now, Prasanth Varma says SIMBA is Coming raising the expectations more.
Fans of Balakrishna have long waited to see the launch of Mokshagna. There were times when they had appealed strongly for his debut film to be launched. But Balakrishna took time for an appropriate project and now looks the time has come. He has officially given Mokshagna in the hands of Prasanth Varma and the Director looks very confident about it as well. He also tweeted that the moment had come to take the legacy forward.
The film’s official details will be revealed tomorrow at 10:36 AM. This indirectly indicates the official launch of the film. Balakrishna is also speculated to be part of the film as Lord Krishna alongside Mokshagna playing the role of Abhimanyu. But we have to see if this would be related to mythology or a regular film. The phrase, SIMBA is Coming looks exciting and fans and audience have been waiting eagerly for tomorrow’s launch.