Actor Rana Daggubati, who was last seen in the Netflix series Rana Naidu, attended an event recently, where he talked about how excited the whole Telugu film fraternity is about Prabhas’s Project K, which is being directed by Nag Ashwin. He said that the film will break new boundaries like Baahubali and RRR.
Rana attended India Today Conclave South 2023 recently. At a session titled The Rise of the Pan India Star: How to break boundaries of language and geography, Rana talked about Project K becoming a global Telugu movie, and how he thinks it could break the boundaries that even SS Rajamouli and RRR’s Baahubali movies couldn’t.
“We celebrate each other’s cinema fully. Like there is another film called Project K, which Nag Ashwin is directing with Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan and Deepika Padukone. That’s a film we are really looking forward to in Telugu. That film will, I think, will break the boundaries that both Baahubali and RRR haven’t done.” He further said,“ Pushing that boundary to the next edge. I am really looking forward to that film, and it could really become a global film from Telugu (cinema).”
Project K, touted to be a science-fiction thriller, is being made on a massive budget. The film marks the first-ever collaboration between Prabhas and Nag Ashwin, most popular for making Mahanati. The film also stars Amitabh Bachchan and Deepika Padukone in key roles. Recently, there have been strong rumors came that he Ulaganayagan Kamal Haasan will act as an antagonist in the movie, but nothing has been confirmed yet.