Megastar Chiranjeevi turns 68 today and the Mega fans rejoiced today with the news of his upcoming socio fantasy drama, under the direction of young director Mallidi Vashishta. Tentatively titled as Mega157, the film’s concept poster was released today and it received a thunderous response. Meanwhile, the fans of Chiranjeevi have got a special treat from Prabhas’s upcoming big science fiction drama, Kalki 2898 AD’s team. Vyjayanthi Movies, the renowned production house of Tollywood took to its official Twitter account and released a small video wishing Megastar Chiranjeevi a pleased birthday.
On the occasion of Megastar Chiranjeevi’s birthday today, the team of Kalki 2898 AD wished him an exceptional and memorable birthday. It was released with a funny caption of Chiru Leaks. The video shows Prabhas in a similar look to the megastar’s look in his old blockbuster movie Gang Leader, wearing a black dress and holding a welded fire pipe in his hand, the video is currently trending on social media.
If we observe, the title song of Gang Leader is played in the background and the fans of Chiranjeevi are thrilled with such a lovely gesture from the team of Kalki 2898 AD. Both the fandoms of Prabhas and Chiranjeevi are very happily sharing the video on social media.
Kalki 2898 AD is the latest sci-fi genre movie directed by young director Naga Ashwin with Prabhas in the lead and Deepika Padukone as the female lead. Everyone is aware that the movie has created massive expectations since its inception. Starring Amitabh Bachchan and Kamal Haasan in the lead roles, the film is produced by Vyjayanthi Movies and has music by Santhosh Narayanan. Kalki 2898 AD, which has raised the expectations with the recently released first look teaser, is likely to hit the screens in the summer of next year.