Shah Rukh Khan and Rajinikanth used to be the superstars of the country till recent past years. Shah Rukh Khan gave memorable hits from Bollywood whereas Rajini did this from Kollywood. But Prabhas emerged as the biggest star and surpassed even these both in many ways to everyone’s surprise. Prabhas once again cemented his position as the biggest star with his recent release, Kalki 2898 AD.
Prabhas’ previous outing Salaar has impacted Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki and posted big numbers at the box office worldwide. Many people credited Prashant Neel for Salaar’s success but with Kalki 2898 AD Prabhas proved his stardom as it is posting big numbers at the box office in all the languages. The film had a great performance at the box office this weekend.
Stardom is calculated in all the languages and now with Kalki 2898 AD Prabhas proved that he is currently enjoying it. The Actor has also proved that he could bring audiences to the theatres irrespective of the Director. He has also developed this brand. Kalki 2898 AD has already surprassed the 500 crore mark and is heading towards the 1000 crore mark worldwide. If this happens, then Prabhas can surely become the biggest star officially.