Ever since the Pan India releases have started from Tollywood and all over, there has been a discussion about who is the Pan Indian star. With the advance bookings of Adipurush Prabhas is proving that he is indeed the biggest star of Tollywood and no one is near to him. The film is set to open with More than 130 Crores Gross on the opening day, which will be the all-time Top 4 opening. Prabhas is achieving this with only his stardom and pulling this exceptional numbers.
The tickets are selling like hot cakes and if the film gets positive word of mouth then the sky will be the limit for the film at the box office. Also, the film will become a game changer for Prabhas. A star hero needs to prove his box office capabilities to be called as a pan-Indian star or a global star, and Prabhas is rightly proving that with the advance bookings of Adipurush.
Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Om Raut, Prasad Sutar and Rajesh Nair of Retrophiles. People Media Factory is bringing the movie to the Telugu audience. At first, Adipurush unit had faced a lot of criticism for the poor VFX in the teaser, which resulted in the hype around the movie getting derailed. However, the team has slowly created a positive buzz for the film with aggressive promotions. Especially songs like Jai Shri Ram and Ram Siya Ram have helped the film immensely in reversing the backlash that it received initially.
Directed by Om Raut, ‘Adipurush’ stars Prabhas as Lord Ram, Kriti Sanon as Janaki, and Saif Ali Khan as Raavan, Sunny Singh as Lakshman and Deva Dutta Nage as Lord Hanuman. Ajay Atul are the music directors for this movie. The film is all set for a grand worldwide release on 16th June 2023.