During the release of Radhe Shyam, director Radha Krishna made a lot of statements about the film. Before the release, he called Radhe Shyam an epic love story and said that it is a classic that will be remembered for ages.
But after the release, it is very clear that Radhe Shyam was neither an epic nor a classic. It was a very forgettable story in the end. Prabhas fans were furious with the director as they expected a lot from the movie.
Even after the release of the film, Radha Krishna kept praising his own film, calling it an epic love story and that the audiences did not understand the emotions. But as always, content is king and if the content is bad, the film will suffer a terrible fate.
Just a few days ago, Sita Ramam was released in theatres and has obtained immense love from audiences. Everyone that has seen the film are calling it an epic love story and a timeless classic. After watching the film, Prabhas fans are scolding director Radha Krishna for his Radhe Shyam promise.
Some fans took to Twitter to say that Sita Ramam is an example of how to make an epic.