Director Prashanth Neel, who has aged one year older today (June 4th), celebrated his birthday with Prabhas. It is a well-known fact that the actor will star in the director’s next film, Salaar. Several pictures of the birthday party have become viral on the internet. In the pictures, Prabhas can be seen celebrating Neel’s birthday at what looks like his home.
The picture shows Prabhas and Prashanth Neel paired with black. The actor can be seen with a piece of cake in his hand. In front of them, you can see many more cakes on the table. A fan page shared the image, giving netizens a sneak peek of the birthday bash.
In the other photos, Prabhas, Neel, his wife Likitha Reddy and Salaar team members are happily posing for the camera.
Directed by KGF director Neel, Salaar is touted to be a high-octane action thriller. In the film, Prabhas will reportedly play the role of a violent man. It also features Shruti Haasan, Prithviraj Sukumaran, Jagapathi Babu, Sriya Reddy, and others. Produced under the banner Hombale Films, the movie is scheduled to hit the theaters on September 28.