Prabhas’ Radhe Shyam release has turned out to be one of the biggest suspense story of Tollywood. Everything was going fine till the Covid cases spiked up leading to multiple states imposing occupancy restrictions and night curfews. With this pan-India project set to release on 14th January, things look rather tense for the makers.
In wake of this new suspense, Prabhas has canceled all the promotional interviews that were scheduled for today. Reportedly, the Radhe Shyam team will take the final decision on the 7th whether to release or postpone. Till that date, there will be no promotional activities from the Radhe Shyam unit.
An official update on the same is expected to come out on 7th January which is just a week before the scheduled release date.
A number of states such as Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Haryana among many others have imposed occupancy restrictions or are in plans of doing so. Mumbai, which is the largest market for Hindi films has already extended section 144 till January 15th. In such a case the makers of Radhe Shyam are left with very few options.