Recently, director Lokesh kanagaraj had confirmed a film with Prabhas. The fans of Prabhas were delighted with the news and started piling up their own stories that their favorite hero will be a part of LCU, the Lokesh Cinematic Universe. But it is being reported that the film will take a lot of time to go on sets and, unlike the social media buzz, this film will not be a part of LCU.
According to Lokesh kanagaraj and Tamil media reports, there are only 3 films pending in LCU. The first one is Kaithi 2 and the second one will be a Rolex character-based film and the third one being Vikram 2. Leo is also said to be a part of LCU and Vikram 2 is said to be the last part of LCU. Lokesh’s next film with Rajinikanth will be a standalone film.
So it is certain that, though it will take time, Lokesh Kanagaraj and Prabhas will be working together on what is being described as the most important project of their careers. Lokesh Kanagaraj, who previously stated that he does not want to have a long filmography, is likely to finish his directorial journey with this film that features Prabhas.
Lokesh Kanagaraj mentioned earlier that he plans to make only 10 films in his career before deciding to retire as a director. He expressed, “I don’t have plans to do many films in my career. When I entered the industry, I just wanted to try my hand at cinema. I want to do films within LCU only. I want to live up to the expectations of LCU fans. Not only that, but I will do ten films and quit.” Currently, he is occupied with the release of Leo, which also stars Trisha Krishnan, Sanjay Dutt, Gautham Menon, and others alongside Thalapathy Vijay.
After completing Thalaivar 171, the 37-year-old filmmaker is ready to begin working on Kaithi 2 with Karthi and Vikram 2 with Kamal Haasan. Also, Lokesh will be working with Suriya on a Rolex spin-off film, which will bring Lokesh’s total number of films to nine, the tenth and final project being Prabhas’s film.