Tollywood Actor Prabhas is currently experiencing a big Pan India stardom. The Actor multiple blockbusters starting from his Baahubali series. The remuneration of Prabhas currently is close to 150-200 crores depending on the genre of the film. Allu Arjun too enjoys a great Pan India stardom and with Pushpa, he took it to sky level. His remuneration is also near 150 crores for his next projects. But Prabhas and Allu Arjun still trail behind Tamil Actor Vijay in terms of remuneration.
There was a news that Vijay was offered a whopping 275 crores as remuneration for his upcoming and final film with H. Vinoth. The film is tentatively titled Thalapathy 69 and has also been officially announced. This shocked everyone as Vijay doesn’t enjoy a Pan Indian stardom alike Prabhas and Allu Arjun. No other star from Tollywood has remuneration near 150 crores right now other than these two. But they both are not even close to Vijay in terms of remuneration.
No one knows how Vijay is getting this much of remuneration. It is also not known if this news is true actually. On the other hand, The GOAT starring Vijay is currently running in the theatres with strong performance in Tamil Nadu. The film has already grossed 400 crores worldwide.