Power Star Pawan Kalyan who flipped his decision to stop acting in movies has announced back to back films a couple of months ago. As he enjoys an enormous fan base and craze in trade circles, Producers have agreed to give huge remuneration.
Pawan Kalyan’s idea is to make 4-5 films before the 2024 elections and make some money to run his party simultaneously. But, due to the Corona Virus Outbreak, all his planning might take a beating. As of now, no one knows until when this lockdown is to be continued. Even after lockdown is lifted, there is no guarantee that theatres will be opened. People might be hesitant to watch movies in theatres as it’s difficult to maintain social distancing. Same with film shootings. There will be major budget changes if the industry has to survive. Producers who were ready to give huge remuneration will cut his remuneration down.
Power star’s ongoing film Vakeel Saab and another film with Krish were planned to release this year while his film with Harish Shankar is currently under the Pre-production stage.