It is very well known that Power Star Pawan Kalyan has 3 movies in his hands right now. Hari Hara Veera Mallu with Krish, OG with Sujeeth, Ustaad Gabbar Singh with Harish Shankar. Pawan Kalyan is working parallelly for these three films. He recently finished the first schedule for Ustaad Bhagat Singh and now working for OG. After that, he will move to Hari Hara Veera Mallu and as per the inside reports it is being reported that all the three makers want to release their film before the elections only.
As of now, Hari Hara Veera Mallu team is planning for the Diwali release and OG unit is planning for December release, Ustaad Bhagat Singh is almost fixed for Sankranthi release. However, we need to wait for the official confirmation of the release dates of three movies and whether the units of respective films will be successful in their plans or not.
However, it will be a very difficult and a problematic situation if three movies of a star hero like Pawan Kalyan released within the gap of three months, the business prospects and the audience expectations or impression of the films will be definitely affected by such a hastily planned releases.
Coming to the fans of PSPK, of all the three movies, they are very excited and piled up hopes on OG as the film is directed by Sujeeth who is a die hard fan of Pawan Kalyan. So Pawan fans are confident that a fanboy will present their favorite hero in a spectacular manner. Hari Hara Veera Mallu had good hype initially, but the continuous delay in the shooting have destroyed the craze around the movie.
Ustaad Bhagath Singh is a remake of Vijay’s Theri which will be a minus point for it because the film had a proper theatrical release in Telugu, and it is very much popular on television as well. However, the film is being released for Sankranthi so a good audio and nice promotions can help the movie get success at the box office.