The Telugu Film Industry is all cheers at the moment. With the recent success of both Bimbisara and Sita Ramam there is a huge sigh of relief for all the members of the industry. Due to the recent success of these two films, there is also a positive buzz around Nithin’s Macherla and Nikhil’s Karthikeya 2.
Macherla is releasing in theatres tomorrow whereas Karthikeya 2 is releasing on 13th August. There has been a lot of hype around Macherla. This is largely due to the brilliant promotional strategies employed by the makers of Macherla Niyojakavargam. They have been constantly releasing songs and snippets from the film. The Ra Ra Reddy song has especially created a lot of buzz.
Karthikeya 2 being the sequel to the super hit mystery thriller Karthikeya is also carrying a lot of expectations with it. The trailer has shown that there is a lot to look forward to in the second part. It is also releasing in all 5 languages, making it the most ambitious project in Nikhil’s career.
Owing to this hype, the exhibitors and distributors are ecstatic with the current mood. They are hoping that this momentum will continue and both the films reap profits. The trade is expecting both the films to open good in all the territories.