Actress Poonam Kaur responded over the recent controversy between Meera Chopra and NTR fans through Twitter. Meera Chopra lodged a complaint on NTR fans for abusing her on social media. She pinned a Tweet with attachments of various screenshots containing abusive comments made by NTR fans and she tagged Andhra Pradesh CM Y.S.Jagan, Minister of Women Development Vanita Taneti, and Hyderabad city police in this tweet. But till now none of them officially responded. Whereas Telangana IT minister KTR responded to her earlier tweet in which she tagged him and Kavitha, KTR said that he requested DGP of Telangana to consider the complaint and take law-based action against the culprits.
Poonam Kaur tweeted saying that she also previously experienced this situation but never filed any complaints against fans rather she had filed complain only on the people who troubled her. She asked not to blame fans as they are innocent. She also said that actors don’t have enough time to look around who is abusing. She stated that trolling is just a part of an actor’s life, only criminal acts are to be reported and asked Meera Chopra to move on by not bothering such trolls. She expressed her doubt saying that there might be some political gains behind this and fake accounts were intentionally created to defame the people. She also made a shocking statement, “Political people are Evil”. Let’s hope someone puts full-stop to this issue soon.