Bigg Boss Tamil contestant and Tamil and Telugu film actress Yashika Aannand has been booked under various IPC sections after she crashed her car in Chennai on Saturday night. The accident left one of her friends dead on spot and destroyed the SUV on impact.
The police have now taken action against the NOTA actress and have confiscated her driving license
Yashika’s SUV car lost control, rammed into a railing, and fell into a roadside pit, killing her friend. The victim was identified as Vallichatti Bhavani, 28, who was employed in the UK as a software engineer. The native of Hyderabad, Vallichatti had come to Chennai just a few days ago to spend some time with her friends. She was supposed to take a flight back to the UK on Sunday night.
The police have confirmed that Yashika was not under influence of alcohol and that overspeeding caused the vehicle to lose control.
The young actress made her debut in Kajal Agarwal and Jeeva starrer Tamil film Kavalai Vendam. She later went on to star in a number of Tamil films and was also seen in Vijay Devarakonda’s NOTA. She was a Bigg Boss Tamil contestant in 2018.