Actor Sai Dharam Tej took to social media to share a message for his fans and followers. The message was not about any Covid advisory but about a certain imposter of him. Apparently, someone has been pretending to be Sai Dharam Tej on WhatsApp and collecting money from people in the name of Covid charity.
This atrocious act came to the actor’s knowledge and he immediately alerted his followers on the matter. The actor even posted a screenshot of a conversation. In the WhatsApp chat shared by the ‘Republic’ actor, the imposter could be seen demanding Rs 15,000.
“It has come to my notice that a person has been impersonating me and asking for financial help from people I acted with and others. Legal proceedings have been initiated from my end. Please be aware of the situation and avoid any such conversation from people who take my name,” posted the actor on his social media.
The actor further asked people to be empathetic in the present situation. “A humble request in these trying times please let the people in need get our help…please don’t stoop down to such lows and stop our help from reaching the needy,” he added.
Meanwhile, Sai Dharam Tej will be next seen in Deva Katta’s Republic. The teaser of the movie was released recently. The movie is set to release on 4th June and is bankrolled under JB Entertainments banner. Manisharma is scoring the music for this political drama.