Director Srikanth Addala surprised everyone with the trailer of his upcoming film, Peddha Kapu 1. Until now, he is known for family/feel good romance films, but Addala has stepped into rural action zone with Peddha Kapu 1. Virat Karna is being introduced as the Hero in this film.
The trailer has created a massive buzz about the film. Even with the competition from crazy films like Skanda and Chandramukhi 2, the buyers are said to have offering excellent prices for Peddha Kapu 1 and all the business deals are expected to be closed in this week itself. The film is scheduled to be released on September 29th.
While observing the trailer, we can see that low caste people being killed for no reason and no one coming to oppose those atrocities. In such a situation, a young person steps forward to take on the tyrants. However, the task is challenging for him and those who follow him. The trailer showed a huge amount of intensity and emotions, making it look like consisting of all the elements required for a massive blockbuster.
Virat was good in the trailer. It didn’t appear that the youngster was a newcomer. His performance in the trailer looked remarkable. It seemed that he also executed some breathtaking stunt sequences. Chota K Naidu’s camera work and Mickey J Meyer’s BGM were good, The production design of Miryala Ravinder Reddy’s Dwaraka Creations was exceptional for the movie’s genre.