On Saturday, the producers of Pawan Kalyan’s next movie OG shared a video on social media announcing that the shooting has started in Mumbai. Powerstar will start working on the movie’s sets next week.
It’s a known fact that good promotional content can raise the buzz more than star combinations. In recent times, there have been a lot of movies that failed to create buzz because of promotional content.
Only Dasara in recent times has managed to woo the audience with good posters, teasers, and songs creating a massive buzz. The same was the case with Uppena released in 2021 which created a tremendous buzz because of Devi Sri Prasad’s music. Now, after a long time, we have Pawan Kalyan’s OG whose every single promotional content and announcement has created a huge stir online.
The announcement of the title and shooting update of the film was released yesterday and received a unanimously positive response. Sujeeth is putting all the effort into his idol Pawan Kalyan and fans are on cloud nine because of the quality of his work.
The video depicted the theme of the movie with various weapons and bullets being fired around. Directed by Sujeeth, who last directed Saaho starring Prabhas is keen to make a strong comeback with this Powerstar starter action project. The movie is being bankrolled under the DVV Entertainment banner. The film’s cast and crew will be revealed soon and there are extremely high expectations for the film.