Tollywood Actor Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming film, OG is one of the most awaited films. The film enjoyed a cult status right from the release of its glimpse. It was also supposed to release on 27th September but changed its plan due to the political commitments of Pawan Kalyan. Everyone has now prepared for next release date which has been planned during next year’s Summer but this also seems to change. OG may face a one year postponement from its original planned release date.
OG has been planned in March month next year but this is now occupied by Hari Hara Veera Mallu and Summer has already been packed with many other releases. Independence Day period has also been eyed by War 2 with an official announcement coming from the team as well. So, OG is speculated to come in September 2025 as a Dussehra release. This makes it taking the same spot but for next year.
The shoot of OG has also resumed recently. Pawan Kalyan must also complete his other film, Ustaad Bhagat Singh directed by Harish Shankar.