Tollywood Actor Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming film, OG is currently under shoot. The film’s glimpse has already been out creating big hype for the film. The glimpse showcased the Actor being a ruthless gangster slashing many people in the backdrop of Mumbai. Now, this OG glimpse is set to be played in the theatres for this Sankranthi.
The censor for the glimpse is also completed and it will be attached with the films slated for release this Sankranthi. This is definitely a double bonanza for Mega Family fans who have Game Changer for the festival. They will also be having a theatrical experience of this blockbuster glimpse on the big screen.
However, the shoot plans of OG are at a snail’s pace with Pawan Kalyan becoming very busy with his political activities. The film is expected to arrive anywhere in the later half of 2025. His other release Hari Hara Veera Mallu too has been postponed for the same reason.
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