Pawan Kalyan’s next theatrical release will be a remake film, according to the reports. Pawan Kalyan has an excellent track record with remakes in his career. Some of his biggest hits are remakes, like Gabbar Singh. While after a slight gap after Agnyathavasi debacle, both his films were remakes and his fans were waiting for a Straight movie from him.
Pawan Kalyan fans felt that remakes will be affected in the long run there by the collections will be less than the deserved. Now they have pinned up plenty of expectations on Hari Hara Veera Mallu which is a periodic genre Pan India film. The glimpse of HHVM was received well and the film’s being made with a massive budget.
Everyone thought Hari Hara Veera Mallu will work big at the box office but because of some reasons, the shoot of the movie is getting postponed continuously. The situation is like no one knows when will the film release.
Because of the delay in the shooting of HHVM, Pawan Kalyan’s next theatrical release will be Vinodhaya Sitham remake which will go on to the sets on next week and planning for the summer end release. Directed by Samuthirakani, the film will also have Sai Dharam Tej and Kethika Sharma who will act opposite him.