The pre-scheduled workshop of Hari Hara Veera Mallu went underway in Hyderabad on Friday. Krish is directing this historical action-adventure and the film has created quite a buzz right from its first look release. The workshop was attended by all the cast and crew of the film to build a way ahead for the next schedule starting mid-October.
The highlight of the workshop was Pawan Kalyan who surprised many with his simple yet stylish look. Dressed in Jeans and a casual T-shirt, Pawan Kalyan’s look has now gone viral on social media with fans loving the stylish avatar of their Power Star.
The shoot is expected to start on the 17th of October and Krish is planning for a long schedule and finishing the majority of filming. There are a lot of expectations for this project and Pawan and Krish are focussed on the best output. Krish feels they should not rush and give an unfinished product just for the sake of sticking to deadlines.
The music will be composed by MM Keeravani under Mega Surya Productions. Hari Hara Veera Mallu is a pan-India project and apart from Telugu will also release in Tamil, Malayalam, and Hindi. Nidhi Agerwal will be seen alongside Pawan Kalyan in this prestigious project.