Power Star Pawan Kalyan will be joining forces with director Surender Reddy for his next film that will be bankrolled by Ram Talluri under the banner of SRT Entertainments banner. This film was supposed to be on track long ago, but it was stalled for a period of time.
The makers have opened an office for the movie in Hyderabad. The office opening ceremony was held today. Along with Surender Reddy and Ram Talluri, the event was attended by Vakkantham Vamsi who offered the story for the film.
It is a prestigious project for the producer, Ram Talluri, who has been waiting eagerly for the opportunity to make a movie with Power Star Pawan Kalyan. The untitled movie will be made on a large scale with a massive budget. The other cast and crew details will be announced soon.
The fans of PSPK always wanted a film in the combination of their favorite hero and director Surender Reddy, and they will be happy with the announcement of this film.