Pawan Kalyan’s long-delayed project, Hari Hara Veera Mallu, is facing many problems getting back on to the sets again. The recent reports stated that the makers were able to convince Power Star Pawan Kalyan to allot his dates for the film to complete the shooting. However, unfortunately, a disastrous incident of a fire accident took place on the sets of Hari Hara Veera Mallu in Hyderabad recently. Also, now it is being reported that Pawan Kalyan is not interested in allocating the dates for HHVM.
The team of Hari Hara Veera Mallu planned a schedule with Pawan Kalyan from June 1st week, but Pawan Kalyan has given those dates to OG the new schedule and the OG new schedule is expected to start from next Monday in Hyderabad and this month he will be busy with OG and post-production works of his another film Bro the avatar. So, there will be no dates of Pawan Kalyan for Hari Hara Veera Mallu in June, and now it has become a puzzle to know when he will give the dates for the film.
The fans of Power Star Pawan Kalyan were delighted to know that he has agreed to join the film’s shoot in June first week. It was also said that he will take part in huge action sequences in this schedule. The fans of PSPK have been waiting for a longtime for an update of the film, and they will be once again will be very disappointed to know their favorite hero is not interested in allocating the dates for Hari Hara Veera Mallu.
Hari Hara Veera Mallu, directed by Krish Jagarlamudi, and produced by AM Ratnam will narrate the story of a Robin Hood who is on a mission to steal a Kohinoor-like diamond from the Mughals. Nidhi Agerwal, Nargis Fakhri, Bobby Deol, Aditya Menon, and Poojitha Ponnada are among the cast members of HHVM.