It is very well known that Power Star Pawan Kalyan is currently working on multiple projects such as Ustaad Bhagat Singh, OG and Bro The Avatar. For a few months, he has been simultaneously working on these films, and now it is said that he is likely to take a big break from the cinema shootings.
The reason to take a break is said to be politics. Pawan Kalyan is in plans to start Varahi Yatra for his political party Janasena campaign from mid-June. Initially he wanted to start the Varahi Yatra in this year’s April, but it was postponed.
Pawan Kalyan will be joining OG sets from this Monday in Hyderabad and after this schedule he is likely to not be involved in cinema shootings for some days. Since he had started the Janasena Party, Pawan Kalyan is mixing the schedules of Politics and movies. Let’s wish him all the best for his political aspirations.
Bro The Avatar will be the next theatrical release of Pawan Kalyan which will hit the theaters on July 28, 2023. His other film with young director Sujeeth, OG, is set to be released on Christmas weekend. Ustaad Bhagat Singh will be his last theatrical release which will hit the screens in next year early summer.