Tollywood Actor Chiranjeevi made interesting comments at the event of APTA Katalyst Global Business Conference in Hyderabad. The Actor termed Pawan Kalyan and Ram Charan as his achievements also stating that his family has become a Kapoor Family in Tollywood. This video has now gone viral on social media platforms.
Chiranjeevi also said that all the Actors in his family are his achievements reminding him of Pawan Kalyan’s words of watching his family becoming another Kapoor Family. However, the Actor didn’t talk about Allu Arjun during this speech which also became controversial. The Actor has also been criticised for leaving out Allu Arjun who even achieved a National Award for best performance for his Pushpa.
Apart from this, Allu Arjun’s recent, Pushpa 2 has also become a biggest Pan India Blockbuster grossing more than 1600 crores worldwide. But Chiranjeevi not mentioning any of this looks interesting. Well, there must be something underlying in this.
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