Pawan Kalyan has once again created confusion among everyone with his commitments. His current film Hari Hara Veera Mallu still did not completed its shooting film, and he signed another 2 films, One with young director Sujeeth and one with Harish Shankar.
No one knows when these films will go on sets, and now he also committed for Vinodhaya Sitam remake and the shooting of this film is expected to start soon much before Sujeeth and Harish Shankar films.
On the other side, he is getting ready for bus Yatra for elections. Seeing this, people say that what’s running in Pawan Kalyan’s mind is not clear, but he’s creating a lot of confusion with his commitments.
Naturally, once the tour starts, he cannot come back again to the sets, and the producers and directors are wondering how he will provide the dates for the films. This has been the problem with Pawan Kalyan. He mixes politics and movies that’s why now and then dates and his availability will be tough to manage.