Shahrukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham starrer ‘Pathaan’ is having a sensational run at the box office and with its consistent performance, it refuses to slow down soon. After witnessing a decline of around 15 percent on Tuesday, the film added another Rs 21 crore to its total. Despite the downward tendency on weekdays, ‘Pathaan’ continues to have an excellent trend.
After a fantastic initial weekend, ‘Pathaan’ has concluded its first week run at the box office with a an overall collection of Rs 318 crore net, according to the trade circles. The film has already beat the highest first week total of ‘KGF 2’ Hindi.
If we look at the box office performance of Pathaan in its 7 days of run, it has achieved an all-time record for a Hindi Film. The film has gathered a mammoth figure of Rs 634 Crores Gross Worldwide, in which the Indian Box Office contribution is 395 Crores whereas overseas sum is 239 Crores.
By the end of its extended first week, ‘Pathaan’ is expected to cross 350 crore net in India. The film has done glorious business in single screens and multiplexes. Both the markets are contributing positively to the film’s total. At the end of its theatrical run, ‘Pathaan’ is expected to compete with the collection of the dubbed Hindi version of ‘KGF 2’ which is at the all-time second-highest position next to Bahubali 2.