OTT platforms’s losing in a very big way with pan India films mostly, Definitely Baahubali series proves a film has a chance to impress languages if the content is good. Few films work like Baahubali but many heavy-budget films face huge losses too.
Before most of the films were made in a single language and later they were dubbed into Hindi and Tamil depending on satellite business. But now with OTT growing bigger, the makers are dubbing in all languages to make huge non-theatrical deals.
A few pan-Indian films made it for all Indian audiences, promoted the films well, and put all efforts into reaching the audience. The audience also have excitement about those films. But now the majority of the films are using pan-India terms just for the sake of non-theatrical business.
The majority of the filmmakers do not even worry about other languages once the non theatrical business is closed. They are not promoting the film, Just for the sake will releasing the film in theatres, and in most of the films, the audience does not even know the movie’s names. for these films, OTT platforms losing money and suffering in a very big way.
The OTT platforms closed the deals for record prices for these pan-Indian hyped films. After seeing the response in OTT for other languages they understand the mistakes. Now every ongoing film is dubbed into multiple languages just for Digital business purposes.
Now those pan-Indian hyped films are suffering as OTT platforms are not closing the businesses for bigger prices. Even Big and Real Pan-Indian films are affected by this. Now OTT platforms are interested in closing the deals based on the combination and language basis.
OTT business already affected the theatrical and satellite business for the films, it’s not happening like before. If the OTT business does not happen as they expected most of the ongoing films will face big losses and makers should come to reality at least now and understand the market dynamics.