Superstar Mahesh Babu’s birthday is one of the most awaited Tollywood events for Mahesh fans. Every year, the fans are updated with special info about his upcoming movies. However, this year, it looks like the fans will not have any updates and will have to wait a bit more for an update on the Mahesh- Rajamouli project. The fans will have to be content with Murari 4K re-release.
Right now, the buzz is that it will take some more time for a concrete update and Rajamouli does not want to give any details just sake of a birthday update. He wants to give a clear update after completing all pre-production works. Mahesh fans are disappointed with this.
The film has been announced as a Globetrotting adventure with high budget making. Mahesh Babu even started preparing himself for the role physically. He was even spotted growing long hair and beard.
The film might commence its shoot this year. As said, the film will be planned as a Pan India biggie with many high technical standards. The film would at least take a couple of years in the making.