Pawan Kalyan, known as Power Star, is celebrating his 52nd birthday today, September 2. The makers gifted fans the teaser of their upcoming film, ‘OG’ on this special day. “OG’s first glimpse demonstrates Pawan Kalyan as the true OG. Not long after the teaser was released, his fans went crazy on social media. “OG”, being made by Sujeeth, will be released in theaters in 2024.
The teaser of OG is undoubtedly the best one in the recent times for Pawan Kalyan. In terms of his presence, the grandeur, quality, background score and dialogues, everything looked so good. Pawan Kalyan looked super stylish and powerful as well. His entry shot with a gun is the highlight of the teaser.
“OG” is an action entertainer written and directed by Sujeeth. The film features Pawan Kalyan, Emraan Hashmi, Priyanka Arul Mohan and Prakash Raj in lead roles. The film also marks Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi’s debut in Telugu. The film has music composed by S Thaman.
Produced by DVV Danayya of ‘RRR’ fame, the film has cinematography by Ravi K Chandran. The release date of the film is still not officially announced but as per the reports, the makers are aiming for the Summer 2024 release.