Venkatesh Daggubati is doing his 75th film with HIT franchise fame director Sailesh Kolenu, the film is titled Saindhav. Venkatesh was spotted in a rugged look in all the posters and implied that the movie will be high on action. The makers have announced Saindhav’s release date. The film will be released in theaters on December 22nd, 2023 worldwide.
In the poster that was released, we can see Venkatesh sitting on top of a container with a machine gun in his hand, while there are blasts in the background. The movie hints at being an action thriller. The makers earlier released the title poster and a glimpse of the movie as well earlier.
The famous Bollywood actor, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, will be seen in an important role in the movie. It is very well known that Venkatesh was seen in ‘Rana Naidu’ Web Series, from which he also has got fans from the north, and the makers of Saindhav are going to use it.
Saindhav is produced by Venkat Boyanapalli under the banner Niharika Entertainment and the movie will be released pan-India with Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada and Tamil versions hitting the screen. Santosh Narayanan composes music. S Manikandan is doing the camera work and Shraddha Srinath is the leading lady.