Hanuman, being Tollywood’s first ‘Super Man’ movie, has plenty of expectations around it. As it is being made by Awe! Fame Prashant Varma and has young hero Teja Sajja, in the lead role, the movie is the most-awaited one of this year too. The movie shows how a common man, ‘Hanumanthu’ obtains superpowers. However, the unit of Hanuman has kept mum in the recent days, and it was reported that the movie has been postponed.
Today, the makers have given an update about the release date of the film.”The excitement & anticipation for #HanuMan is sky-high. To give you all the best experience in theaters, The release date of HanuMan stands postponed for the best outcome! Anew release date will be announced soon” read the tweet from the makers of Hanuman.
Hanuman film is one of the most anticipated one as with the teaser the film created a huge buzz and the makers had initially planned to release the film on May 12th in international markets as well. However, as informed by the makers, the film has been postponed from the supposed date to provide the best possible VFX Work to the audience.
The film has the backdrop of Lord Hanuman and superpowers so it is obvious that it will have very much importance of VFX in the film. If the content clicks well, the film could be a big success Pan India wide.
Produced by K. Niranjan Reddy under Prime show Entertainment’s banner, the movie stars Amritha Aiyer as the female lead. Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Vinay Rai, Raj Deepak Shetty, and Vennela Kishore play key roles. Gowra Hari, Anudeep Dev, and Krishna Saurabh are scoring the music for the film.