The news of Icon Star Allu Arjun and wizard of words Trivikram Srinivas joining hands again for a new film has been doing the rounds in. the industry circles for a few days. This morning, Haarika and Haasine Creations, the banner that produced the previous three films of the duo, is once again joining with Geetha Arts after Ala Vaikuntapurramuloo to produce the new film. The other details regarding the cast and crew of the film are expected to be announced soon.
After Julayi, S/O Satyamurthy and the massive blockbuster Ala Vaikuntapurramuloo, the most successful combo of Allu Arjun and Trivikram Srinivas is all set to join hands for the fourth time for an upcoming Pan Indian film, the makers announced on Monday on the occasion of Guru Purnima.
It is very well known that both the films Ala Vaikuntapurramuloo and Pushpa: The Rise have made Allu Arjun get the national craze, and a press release by the makers of the new film promises that it will “entertain world cinema audiences along with Telugu audiences.” The film is said to be made as a visual spectacle on a massive scale.
Allu Aravind and S Radha Krishna are producing this biggie under Geetha Arts and Harika & Hassine Creations banners, respectively.