KGF Director, Prashant Neel has announced his film with NTR. The initial commitment is to film his next after Salaar with NTR. But it seems the team of Salaar and Prashant Neel are also interested in going with the sequel of Salaar first. It is even known that Prashant Neel informed NTR about the same. He has also planned to start Salaar 2 in May. But NTR’s decision puts Salaar 2 in Dilemma now.
NTR is asking Prashant Neel to go as per the commitment and the same was conveyed by the production house Mythri Movie Makers as well it seems. They want him to start NTR’s film first as they know that once Salaar 2 goes on sets, it will be completed by the next year. On the other hand, Neel says that he has to wait till November for NTR to complete his ongoing projects War 2 and Devara. He wants to complete Salaar 2 in the meantime.
NTR and Mythri Movie Makers are not happy with Neel’s decision it seems. This will eventually put Salaar 2’s release in Dilemma. If Prashant Neel goes by his word it may take time for Salaar 2 to happen and release.