NTR and Director Prashanth Neel collaborated long ago for their film, tentatively titled, NTRNeel. The film didn’t go to sets with the duo getting busy with their ongoing commitments. The shoot of the film is also expected to start last year in September or October but was delayed for various reasons. The good news for the fans and audience is that NTRNeel will kick start in February this year.
The film was also announced as a Sankranthi release in 2026 but it needs to be seen whether the team can pull off the shoot before this date. NTR’s other Bollywood biggie, War 2 co-starring Hrithik Roshan has already been announced for this Year’s Independence weekend. So, NTR must work hard after this film to meet the deadline for NTRNeel.
Prashanth Neel on the other hand is also busy with his Salaar 2 plans. So, the duo coming together will surely be a big joy for the fans and audience. The film likewise will be made on a large scale budget as a Pan India biggie. He saw a big blockbuster with Devara last year grossing nearly 500 crores worldwide. The target for NTRNeel will be set even higher with this.