Tollywood Actor Vijay Deverakonda is currently busy with his VD12 directed by Gowtham Tinnanuri, fame of Jersey. The film is a huge-budgeted one produced by Sithara Entertainments banner. It is learned that the film needs a voice over for certain scenes. Many Actors name have come forward for this voice over. Now, the news is NTR will voice over for Vijay Deverakonda for his upcoming film.
The production house, Sithara Entertainments is very close to NTR. The Actor even attended the success meet of Tillu Square which became a blockbuster hit. NTR’s film Devara’s Telugu States Theatrical rights were also bought by the production house. So, the actor must be approached for this voice over and he would have agreed readily. So, it will be exciting news for the fans of NTR to see their actor lending his voice.
VD12 is tentatively scheduled for release on 28th March next year. Vijay Deverakonda looks to bounce back strong with this film. His last release, The Family Star became a big box office failure. The film received a negative talk on the opening day of its release and headed towards a disaster status later. The Actor has to score big with this film otherwise he may face a tough time.